Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<!--Mouse's location.--->
<!--Player location.--->
<!--Player Name--->
<!--Number of cookies.--->
<!--Carrying cage?--->
<!--Carrying flashlight?--->
<!--Find mouse?--->
<!--Have mouse?--->
<!--Number of moves?--->
<<set $mouseLocation to random (1, 15)>>
<<set $playerLocation to 0>>
<<set $cookieCount to 3>>
<<set $haveMouse to false>>
<!---<<set turns to (0)>>--->
<!---<<print $mouseLocation>>--->
The Case of the Missing Mouse!
What is your name?
<<textbox "$playerName" "">>
Please type your name in the box and then press...
[[BEGIN|begin]]<<if $playerName eq "">>I didn't see your name, so I'm going to call you "Player"!
<<set $playerName to "Player">><</if>>
Hello <<print $playerName>>!
I will tell you how to play the story-game.
The Skwerdlock needs your help to find the missing mouse. The Skwerdlock will help you as you search. To find the mouse, just look around the house and be sure to look in things and under things...the mouse can be pretty good at hiding. Just click the <span style="color:#4255de">BLUE</span> words to go places or look at things.
Click [[HERE|frontStep]] when you are ready to begin.
You are standing at the end of the hallway near the front door.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"That door on the right goes to [[Tricia's room|triciasBedroom]],"</span> Skwerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd"> "And that door on the left goes to her [[brother's room|brothersBedroom]]. Or, we can go straight ahead to go farther [[down the hall|midHallway]]."</span>
Behind you is the [[door|frontStep]] that goes back outside.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"The mouse's empty cage is in Tricia's bedroom,"</span> Skwerdlock says.
You are at the end of the hallway.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"That door goes to the [[kitchen|kitchen]]</span>," Skwerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"That door over there goes to Tricia's [[parent's room|parentsBedroom]] and the other door goes to the [[livingroom|livingRoom]]. Or, you can go back down the [[hallway|midHallway]] towards the front door."</span><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is the kitchen,"</span> Skwerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"There is the [[kitchen table|kitchenTable]] and over there is the [[refrigerator|refrigerator]]."</span>
You can see several doorways in the kitchen. One door leads to the [[pantry|pantry]], another door goes to the [[garage|garage]], and still another door goes [[outside|patio]].
Another door goes to the [[hallway|hallway]] and one more door goes to the [[livingroom|livingRoom]].
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is the pantry where Tricia's parents keep all of the food and stuff they use in the kitchen. This would be a great place for a mouse to hide!"></span>
The wall of the pantry is covered with [[shelves|pantryShelf]].
The door goes to the [[kitchen|kitchen]].
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is the garage where they keep the cars and trash cans and lots of other cool things. That big [[workbench|workbench]] over there has lots of great tools that Tricia and I use to build things."</span>
A door goes to the [[kitchen|kitchen]]. There is another door by the workbench that goes [[outside|patio2]]. You can see [[another door|patio3]] on the other side of the garage.You are in Tricia's bedroom.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I don't think Tricia cleaned her room this morning," Skwerdlock says.
"The mouse's cage is on the [[dresser|triciasDresser]], Skwerdlock says.
"Over there is Tricia's [[bed|triciasBed]], and the door next to it goes to her [[closet|triciasCloset]]". The other door goes to back the [[hallway|frontHallway]]</span>.The Skwerdlock opens the closet door and peeks inside...
<<timed 2s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I see some clothes and some shoes..."</span>
<<timed 6s>>
The Skwerdlock bends over and looks more closely at the shoes...
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 2>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"There are a lot of things in this closet...but no mouse."</span>
You are in [[Tricia's bedroom|triciasBedroom]], standing by her closet.<</if>>
The Skwerdlock gets on it's knees and moves towards the bed...
<<timed 2s>>
Skwerdlock lifts the bedspread and peeks underneath it...
<<timed 6s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 1>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I can see some dust bunnies and some socks...but no mouse."</span>
You are in [[Tricia's bedroom|triciasBedroom]], looking at her bed.<</if>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is our bathroom...and that is the [[bathtub|Bathtub]] where I take my baths. And we keep the towels in that little [[closet|bathroomCloset]]."</span>
There is one other door that goes to the [[hallway|midHallway]].
Skerdlock quietly sneaks up to the side of the tub
<<timed 2s>>
Skwerdlock slowly peeks over the edge of the tub...
<<timed 4s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd"> "GOTCHA!"</span> Skwerdlock says and jumps into the tub.
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 6>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd"> "Well, I found my rubber duck...but not my mouse."</span>
You are in the [[bathroom|bathroom]] looking in the bathtub.<</if>>
<<endtimed>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is the living room where we watch TV,"</span> Skwerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I like to sit right in the middle of the [[sofa|sofa]] so I can see everything."</span>
One door goes out to the [[kitchen|kitchen]] and the ohter door goes to the [[hallway|hallway]].<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Do you think my mouse might be hiding on the sofa? Those [[cushions|sofaCushions]] would be a really GREAT hiding place."</span>
You are in the [[living room|livingRoom]].The Skwerdlock climbs up on the workbench.
<<timed 4s>>
Skwerdlock climbs up higher and looks closely at the things on the shelf...
<<timed 6s>>
Skwerdlock leans over and moves a big can of paint and look behind it...
<<timed 10s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 13>> <<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I see more paint and some brushes behind the can,"</span> Skwerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"But no mouse."</span>
You are by the [[workbench|workbench]].<</if>>
<<endtimed>>The Skwerdlock walks over to the kitchen table and slowly moves one of the chairs...
<<timed 4s>>
Skwerdlock bends over and peeks under the table...
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 14>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Nope, no mouse here."</span>
You are in the [[kitchen|kitchen]] looking at the table.<</if>>
<<endtimed>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Do you think my mouse might be in the closet?"</span>
Skwerdlock opens the closet door and looks inside.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"It is pretty dark in here, but i can see some clothes hanging on the hooks, and a [[box|hallClosetBox]] on the floor."</span>
You are standing in the [[hallway|midHallway]].<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is Tricia's brother's room,"</span> Skwerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"It's kind of messy isn't it?"</span>
You can see a [[bed|brothersBed]], and a door to a [[closet|brothersCloset]]. The other door goes back out to the [[hallway|frontHallway]].The Skwerdlock bends way over and crawls toward the bed...
<<timed 2s>>
Skwerdlock's nose goes all the way under the bed...
<<timed 4s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"SNIFF! SNIFF! SNIFF!"</span>
<<timed 6s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 3>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I can smell some pizza and some old socks," Skwerdlock says, "but no mouse.</span>
You are in Tricia's [[brother's bedroom|brothersBedroom]] looking at his bed.<</if>>
<<endtimed>>The Skwerdlock slides the closet door open and peeks inside...
<<timed 2s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I see some clothes, and a baseball, and a box of rocks..."</span>
<<timed 4s>>
The Skwerdlock leans waaaay into the closet and looks around...
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 4>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"There are a lot of strange things in this closet...but no mouse."</span>
You are in Tricia's [[brother's closet|brothersBedroom]] looking at his closet.<</if>>
You are in Tricia's parent's bedroom.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"There is Tricia's parent's [[bed|parentsBed]], and next to it is their [[closet|parentsCloset]]. That other door goes to their [[bathroom|parentsBathroom]]."</span>
Another door goes back to the [[hallway|hallway]].The Skwerdlock walks around the room and stops by the closet door.<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"If I was a mouse and I was hiding,"</span> Skwerdlock says, <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I'd go in this [[closet|insideParentsCloset]]."</span>
You are in Tricia's parent's [[bedroom|parentsBedroom]]<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This is Tricia's parent's bathroom,"</span> Skerdlock says. <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"See, that is their [[shower|parentsShower]] over in the corner."</span>
A door goes to Tricia's parent's bedroom [[bedroom|parentsBedroom]].<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"My mouse likes to take baths. I wonder if he might be hiding the the [[shower|insideShower]]?"</span>
You are standing in Tricia's parents' [[bathroom|parentsBathroom]].The Skwerdlock looks closely at the box...
<<timed 2s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I'll lift the lid on the box and see...</span>
<<timed 4s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Hmmmm...well now..."</span>
<<timed 6s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 5>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This box has a lot of old hats and shoes inside it...but no mouse."</span>
You are in the [[hallway|midHallway]] by the closet.<</if>>
<!---<span style="color:#FF00FE"></span>--->
Double-click this passage to edit it.<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"See, there is the mouse's cage on the dresser where Tricia keeps her clothes. I don't know how the cage door got opened!"</span>
There is a small cage on top of the dresser and the door to the cage is open. And, the cage is empty.
You are in Tricia's [[bedroom|triciasBedroom]].The Skwerdlock walks over to the refrigerator and slowly opens the door...
<<timed 4s>>
Skwerdlock's nose peeks inside the refrigerator...
<<timed 6s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"WOW!", the Skwerdlock says.</span>
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 15>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I see the milk, and some cheese, and a HUGE piece of cake...but no mouse."</span>
You are in the [[kitchen|kitchen]] looking in the refrigerator.<</if>>
<<endtimed>>Skwerdlock slowly reaches for the closet door...
<<timed 2s>>
Skwerdlock carefully opens the door just a bit, being very quiet so it doesn't scare the mouse if it is there...
<<timed 6s>>
Skwerdlock peeks into the closet...
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 7>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Nope. No mouse in here."</span>
You are in the [[bathroom|bathroom]].<</if>>
<<endtimed>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I think those [[shelves|pantryBoxes]] would be the perfect place to find a mouse that was hiding from you, don't you? All of those boxes and bags and cans up there are full of mouse-goodies."</span>
You are in the [[pantry|pantry]].
The Skwerdlock walks over to the bed and bends over, then stops and listens very carefully.
<<timed 2s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I don't hear it, but I'll take a look."</span>
<<timed 6s>>
The Skerdlock crawls under the bed as far as Skwerdlocks can crawl under beds...
<<timed 10s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 9>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Nope! mouse under here."</span>
You are in Tricia's [[parent's bedroom|parentsBedroom]] looking at the bed.<</if>>
<<endtimed>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I wonder if mouse is hiding on those [[shelves|workbenchShelf]] above the workbench? Mouse likes to play in the boxes and jars up there when we are building things."</span>
You are in the [[garage|garage]] by the workbench. You are in the middle of the hallway.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"This door on the left is the [[closet|hallCloset]]></span>," Skwerdlock says, <span style="color:#bc0fcd">"and that door on the right goes to the [[bathroom|bathroom]]. The [[hallway|hallway]] goes one way towards the kitchen and the other way [[towards the front door|frontHallway]]."</span>
You are on the little patio outside the kitchen door.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Hey, it is starting to rain, so the mouse is probably not out here. Let's go back [[inside|kitchen]]."</span>
You are on the little patio outside the garage door.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Hey, it is raining so the mouse is probably not out here. Let's go back [[inside|garage]]."</span>You are on the little patio outside the garage door.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Hey, it is raining so the mouse is probably not out here. Let's go back [[inside|garage]]."</span><span style="font-size:120%"><span style="color:#FF00FE">Congratulations! You have found the Mouse!</span>
You WIN!
Do you want to [[play again|configuration]]?Double-click this passage to edit it.You look closely at the box...
<<timed 2s>>
You lift the lid from the box and...
<<timed 5s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 5>><span style="font-size:200%"><span style="color:#FF00FE">Congratulations! You have found the Mouse!</span>
<<else>>The box has a lot of old hats and shoes inside it...but no mouse.
You are in the [[closet|hallCloset]] looking at a box.<</if>>
You have <<print $cookieCount>> cookies.
<<if $cookieCount eq 0>><span style'"color:#FF00FE">You do not have any cookies right now.</span><<else>><span style="color:#FF00FE"></span><</if>>
<!---You have taken <<print turns()>> turns.-->
<!---You have taken <<print turns()>> moves.-->
<!---<<set $mouseLocation to 7>>--->by Pops Jamison!The Skwerdlock stands on a big box and climbs up onto the first shelf...
<<timed 2s>>
Skwerdlock climbs up to the top shelf and starts moving the boxes and bags and cans around looking for the mouse...
<<timed 6s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"AHA!", the Skwerdlock said...</span>
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 12>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I found the box of chocolate chip cookies Tricia was hiding from me...but I did not see my mouse."</span>
You are in the [[pantry|pantry]] looking on the shelf.<</if>>
<<endtimed>>Skwerdlock walks over to the sofa and slowly picks up one of the cushions...
<<timed 4s>>
Skwerdlock climbs on the sofa and crawls under the other cushions...
<<timed 6s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Come here mouse, mouse, mouse!"</span>
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 8>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I found some old potatoe chips and three pennys...but no mouse."</span>
You are in the [[living room|livingRoom]] looking at a sofa.<</if>>
<<endtimed>>The Skwerdlock slowly starts to open the shower door...
<<timed 2s>>
Skwerdlock peeks around the side of the door and looks inside the shower...
<<timed 6s>>
And then...
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 11>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Just a bottle of shampoo on the floor...but no mouse."</span>
You are in the [[bathroom|parentsBathroom]].<</if>>
<<endtimed>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I LOVE to take baths! Mouse does too, so I'll be this is where mouse is hiding."</span>
Skwerdlock smiles and slowly walks toward the [[bathtub|insideBathtub]].
You are in Tricia's [[bedroom|triciasBedroom]] and the Skwerdlock points to the rainbow-colored bedspread on Tricia's bed.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Maybe we should look under the [[bed|underTriciasBed]]".</span>
The Skwerdlock slowly walks around Tricia's bed and stands by her [[closet door|insideTriciasCloset]].
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I wonder if we should look in here?"</span><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I think we ought to check indside that [[closet|insideBathroomCloset]] and see if mouse is hiding in there with the towels."</span>
You are in the [[bathroom|bathroom]].The Skwerdlock slowly walks around the bed and stands by the [[closet door|insideBrothersCloset]].
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I wonder if my mouse could be in here," Skwerdlock says.</span><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Maybe we should look [[under the bed|underBrothersBed]]," Skwerdlock says.</span>
You are in Tricia's brother's [[bedroom|brothersBedroom]] standing by his bed.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I'll bet it's hiding [[under the bed|underParentsBed]]," Skwerdlock says.</span>
You are in Tricia's parent's [[bedroom|parentsBedroom]]The Skwerdlock smiles and slides the closet door open just enough to stick in a nose....
<<timed 4s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"I see some pants, and shirts, and shoes, and dresses..."</span>
<<timed 6s>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"And...AHA...what's this?"</span>
<<timed 8s>>
<<if $mouseLocation eq 10>><<goto "win">>
<<else>><span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Just a box of old papers and pictures...but no mouse."</span>
You are in Tricia's [[parent's bedroom|parentsBedroom]] looking in the closet.<</if>>
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Help me!" the Skwerdlock said.</span>
You were playing outside when you heard the Skwerdlock calling for you. You walked up to the front door where the Skwerdlock was waiting.
<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"My Mouse!"</span>, Skwerdlock said. <span style="color:#bc0fcd"> "It got out of it's cage and I can't find it ANYWHERE! Will you PLEASE help me find my mouse?"</span>
If you are willing to help the Skwerdlock find the missing mouse, just [[open the door|frontHallway]].<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"You don't think my mouse would be in the [[refrigerator|insideRefrigerator]] do you? It is really cold in there. But, maybe mouse has a new coat."</span>
You are in the [[kitchen|kitchen]]<span style="color:#bc0fcd">"Sometimes mouse likes to look for crumbs [[under the table|underKitchenTable]] after dinner. Maybe mouse is under the table now."</span>
You are in the [[kitchen|kitchen]].