Contact and Media2020-10-11T16:40:36+00:00

Contact and Media

Bio and Photos Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact John?2023-12-08T18:21:17+00:00

You can email John at: contact@imagilearning.com

You can message him through his FaceBook page: facebook.com/johnbjamisonauthor

You can write to John at:

John B. Jamison
3309 Robbins Road #401
Springfield, IL 62704-6587

How far does John travel to speak and do presentations?2020-10-11T16:36:35+00:00

John’s travel schedule varies, so if you are interested in a program the best option would be to contact John directly.

How do I get a signed copy of one of John’s books?2020-10-11T16:37:16+00:00

You can contact John directly, or attend one of the events John is participating in. Check out the News and Events Page for his current schedule.

Does John teach or help other writers?2020-10-11T16:37:56+00:00

John does occasionally offer workshops for writers and ‘wanna-be’ writers. Those will appear in the Events schedule on the home page
John is available for coaching on a limited bases. Contact him for details.

Podcasts, Interviews, and Articles

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