I Am Not A Prude: About Writing the Arnie Dufner Series

By |2020-09-07T16:26:44+00:00July 30th, 2020|Arnie Dufner, Fiction, Ideas, imagination, Writing, Young Readers|

I am not a prude. I just wanted to say that up-front so you don't misunderstand what I'm going to say in this post. And there is something else... I don't like to [...]

Don’t Tell the Kids – About Writing the Arnie Dufner Series

By |2020-09-07T16:27:01+00:00July 29th, 2020|Arnie Dufner, education, imagination, learning, Young Readers|

Don't tell the kids... You probably don't want to tell the kids about this post...a least not if you want them to read about Arnie [...]

Some Ideas Make it Hard to Breathe – From April 2019

By |2020-09-07T16:42:43+00:00March 5th, 2020|Ideas, imagination, short stories, Writing|

I was late for class, which as the instructor, is frowned upon. I was following a big, slow, truck, watching for a break in the traffic so I could get around. It gave me time [...]

Making Your Characters Sick! – From May 2019

By |2020-09-07T16:42:10+00:00February 15th, 2020|Emily Graham, Fiction, Ideas, imagination, learning, short stories, Writing|

This is going to be a short post today, and one for the writers who may come across it. It will be short because, well, wait a minute, I have to blow my nose…Okay, I’m [...]

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